Our Practice in Lexington

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Welcome to Gordon Eye

At Gordon Eye, we believe in offering more than vision correction; we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive eye care that enriches your overall well-being. 

Dr. Shriber, who has needed glasses since he was 18 months old, embodies the belief that eye health is integral to your quality of life. His promise is simple: to provide warm, professional, personalized care at every visit while educating and empowering our patients. 

Our ultimate goal is to support your family’s life through comprehensive eye and vision care. So, are you ready to experience the Gordon Eye difference? 

Book an appointment with our team today.

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Eye Care from A to Z

We’re here to serve our patients from all age groups with a wide range of eye health services, whether it’s routine preventative care or managing complex conditions like myopia or specialty contact lens fittings

Our services include comprehensive eye exams for children and adults, innovative dry eye therapy, and identifying and treating a range of eye conditions and diseases. Using modern techniques and technologies, we’re here to help you and your loved ones receive up-to-date eye care for everything from A to Z.

Our History

As residents of Lexington, we take great pride in the town’s rich history. This connection runs even deeper for our team, as vision care is a family business. Dr. Shriber’s grandfather opened the neighboring optical shop back in 1935. Today, we continue the tradition of caring for patients’ eyesight and eye health, offering seamless transitions from eye exams to eyeglasses fittings. 

Come visit us to experience a piece of Lexington’s history with modern quality.

Accepted Insurances

We work with most major insurance providers, including:

If your insurance provider isn’t available for direct billing at our practice, we’re more than happy to provide a detailed invoice at the end of your appointment.

Are You a VSP Member?

All VSP members receive 20% off unlimited additional pairs of glasses from any VSP doctor within 12 months of the last eye exam. Signature Plan members also receive 30% off on glasses purchased the same day as an eye exam from the same VSP doctor who did the exam.

Take advantage of your vision allowance benefits throughout the year and receive 20% off any amount above your allowance. Be sure to review your benefits plan to know just how much your individual allowance is.

Where to Find Us

We are conveniently located off Massachusetts Ave, just a short walk east from the Minuteman Statue. Look for our shared entrance with Gordon Optical.

Our Address

  • 47 Waltham Street
  • Lexington, MA 02421

Contact Information

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